Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
With enough advanced notice we can custom design a Maine canoe trip, fishing or dog sled trip into the area to meet your schedule and interests. Trips may vary in length from 3-6 days.
With enough advanced notice we can custom design a Maine canoe trip, fishing or dog sled trip into the area to meet your schedule and interests. Trips may vary in length from 3-6 days.
We have been guiding trips on the East Branch of the Penobscot River since long before it became Katahdin Woods and Water National Monument. Our first guided Maine canoe trip down the East Branch was in 1973 and the winter of 1989 was our first dog sled trip into that country. Kevin began his guiding career on this river and knows the country like few others. We can show you the original Indian carry trails and the remains of old trapper’s cabins. We are pleased the area will be protected from development and remain forever wild. Our hope is that guides and outfitters that have traditionally guided in this country can continue to do so.
East Branch of the Penobscot – Mid section – This section of the East Branch avoids the rapids and the portages; it’s beginner friendly. We will start at Bowlin Camps with option of staying in a cabin at Bowlin Camp for the 1st night and canoe to Whetstone Falls – 3 days, no portages, small rips with beautiful scenery.
Fly Fishing – The East Branch is an excellent land locked salmon fishery and the cold water streams flowing into it from Traveler Mountains in Baxter State Park are very good native brook trout habitat. We can design a custom 2-4 day fly fishing experience camping or based out of Bowlin Camps or a combination of both.
Dog Sledding – Contact us for other dates to organize a dog sledding trip into KWWNM. We normally only take 1-3 guests per trip for 3-4 days.
Wilderness White Water – This trip adds Webster Stream to the East Branch trip retracing Henry David Thoreau’s route when he was guided by Penobscot Joe Polis. Thoreau referred to Webster as “somewhat like navigating a thunder spout!”. We put in at Chamberlain bridge and head south through Telos Lake, the Telos cut into Webster Lake. Webster stream is 9 miles of Class I – III whitewater with one portage (and possibly some lining) around Grand Pitch. We then have a beautiful paddle across Grand Lake Matagamon to the East Branch. Recommended 7-8 days and end May through mid July for optimum water levels.
Contact us is you are interested in this unique trip.
I am writing to say thank you. Over the years you both have taken me under your wings and you have single handedly been the biggest in molding me into the person I am today and for that I could never say thank you enough.