Date(s) Price(s)
TBD 2024 $TBD

Dogsledding with the Inuit of Nunavik

Nunavik is the Inuit-governed arctic region of Quebec where northern lights are a common sight. We will travel with Inuk musher Allen Gordon and another Inuk guide from the village of Kuujjuaq. The exact route we travel varies from year to year depending on snow pack conditions and where the wildlife is. Common sightings include tuktu (caribou), wolf, arctic fox, gyrfalcon, and a living relic from the ice age, umingmak (musk ox). There is usually an opportunity to ice fish for arctic char and country food such as caribou and ptarmigan will be on the menu.

This is much more than a dogsledding trip. It is also an opportunity to learn about Inuit culture and language. The warmth, humility, and self-reliance of the Inuit will stay with you long after your arctic adventure.

Note: In September 2022 our Inuk friend and guide Allen Gordon made the difficult decision to give up his dogteam to other mushers. We are hoping to find another Inuk in the village to work with–stay tuned!


  • A Naturalist Guide to the Arctic by E. C. Pielou
  • Inuit Quajimagatuqangit: What Inuit Have Always Known to be True by Karetak, Tester, and Tagalik
  • The Inuit Way: A Guide to Inuit Culture by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada


Echo of the Last Howl

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Custom trips

We can design custom trips for groups to any of the areas where we guide: Maine, Ouje-Bougoumou, Quebec, and Nunavik.

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Safety and Basic Information for Dog Sledding Trips

Our trips are conducted in a very safety conscious way. We spend a lot of time prepping the trails before a trip by removing branches and blown down trees, packing the trails by snowmobile once we get snow. This is for the guest’s comfort and also to make it easier for the dogs to pull the sleds.

We go out before a trip to check the ice if we are planning to go on the lake by using an ice chisel to find out the thickness of the ice. We often mark our trails with fir boughs so we can find our old base in case of snow storms.

All of our trips are snowmobile supported so we can lighten the loads the dogs are pulling, provide a better trail and also have a snow vehicle in the case of an emergency.

We carry spare warm clothing, the ability to start fires in all conditions, and a satellite phone and two-way radios for communication among the dog sledding guides, cross country ski guides and snowmobile support drivers. We do check in calls once or twice a day to Mahoosuc’s home base so any emergencies from people’s homes can be relayed on to them on the trail.

We always carry a first aid kit for both humans and canines. Guides maintain current Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder and CPR certification.

If weather or trails are unsafe for any reason we can always adjust our itinerary to continue to conduct a safe and enjoyable experience for our guests and our canine friends.

Our trips are alcohol free for both guests and guides.


Trip Itinerary