We were able to do our canoe trips later this year as the weather has been unusually warm and beautiful! Here in the Bear River Valley our fall colors are past peak and the leaves are starting to fall. Temperatures remain very comfortable to do outside projects. There is a chill in the air at night and the dogs are definitely getting excited for another winter season in harness.
We had some great canoe trips in September and October including another Way of the Wabanaki trip to Sugar Island to learn about Penobscot culture, a couple canoeing day trips one with a small group to Umbagog Lake including Polly’s 90 year old mother and another larger group through First Light Learning Journey on the Penobscot River to Sugar Island for a lunch of moose stew and fiddleheads with members of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy communities. Polly guided a group of 12 women to the Grand Lake Stream area. They go on extended trips together every year. There were lots of laughs!
Apprentice Maddie and Polly attended a Maine Biz Women to Watch event in Portland and met the axe woman, Alissa, who received one of the Women to Watch awards this year. Click here to read about her woman owned business in Maine.
We now have our summer calendar completed for the 2024 season. Click here to view our listings. It is not too early to book for next year as we are already taking reservations.
On September 19th we had to say good bye to Siobhan. She was a lovely devoted dog and we do miss her…
Polly was on NPR radio show titled “Maine Calling” on October 5th talking about female guides in Maine. Click here to listen to the recording.
We are going to be starting our 34th winter in business. Click here to see a video made for us marking our 30th year in business. Thank you Jarrod from Little Outdoor Giants!
We will be hosting a wilderness first aid course in our lodge October 20-21st and an Open Recertification course on October 20-22nd with instructor Jon Tierney from Wilderness Medical Associates. There are still a few openings.
We hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather!
Polly, Kevin & all the doggies
I have been guiding on the Allagash river since 1974 and over the years I’ve seen a distinct pattern in terms of usage. Canoeists must use designated campsites on the waterway and there is no reservation system. In peak periods if paddlers don’t secure a campsite by mid-day or shortly thereafter, they may end up […]
We were able to do our canoe trips later this year as the weather has been unusually warm and beautiful! Here in the Bear River Valley our fall colors are past peak and the leaves are starting to fall. Temperatures remain very comfortable to do outside projects. There is a chill in the air at […]
Siobhan went to doggy heaven today. She was one of Kevin’s dogs and always up for anything. She loved people and children and whenever anyone came to visit the kennel she always thought they came to see her! She ran in any position in the team and was versatile sometimes going with Polly’s teams if […]
I just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful Allagash trip. I thoroughly enjoyed myself although I did feel a little like I should have done more. Old habits die hard, I guess. It was such a pleasure picking my way down the river, especially below the falls. I always looked forward to that area. What a crew you have. Jason and Mandy were great and you are a natural leader, showing both compassion and firmness when called for. I have admired what you and Kevin have accomplished for a long time and two trips with you just goes to show me why you had such success.